Civil Legal Matters

DUI, License Suspension and Reinstatement

Crimes and Offenses

Traffic Violations

Workers Comp

Domestic Relations

Estate Matters

Expungement Info

9795 La View Cir Roswell, Georgia
phone 678-720-3283

Pictures Provided
By Courtroom Artist: Richard Miller


Home > Civil Legal Matters > The $150 Letter

Dealing with the establishment can be a difficult and stressful experience. Sometimes just having a lawyer identify your legal position and expressing it to the other side is all it takes to resolve a legal dispute or to end a bad situation. Quick and inexpensive resolution is what my $150.00 letters are all about. I have had satisfactory resolutions without the necessity of more than a letter or two with banks, school districts, insurance companies, equipment suppliers, department stores, adjacent landowners, credit card companies and many, many more entities that create big problems and obligations for my clients. I do not want to see my clients scammed. Of course, not all legal entanglements are resolved that easily.

If the $150.00 letter does not conclude the matter, I will do whatever it takes to see your legal problems to their conclusion for an additional fee.

Either contact us by e-mail or phone 404-633-2057.



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